Where no one has gone before
It's your turn
Explore careers
If you are an enthusiastic, highly skilled life scientist who likes to contribute to a multidisciplinary technology driven drug discovery team, drop us a line with your CV and motivation letter.
PhD Sponsorship
Industry and Academia may well go together. We have been successfully supporting several PhD students from different countries.
We have been supporting long-term
(> 6 months) internships for young chemistry, biochemistry, or biology students for more than 14 years now. Drop us a line with your motivation letter and CV.
Contact us . . .
Origenis gmbh
Human Ressources
Am Klopferspitz 19a 82152 Martinsried
or: career(AT)origenis.de
March 2021: Yes, we hire more!
Research Scientist - Computational Chemistry
If you think in SMILES, SMARTS and SMIRKS, if you have a background in theoretical chemistry or physical chemistry, if you like DFT, QPSR, and machine learning, if coding and skripting make your day, if you want to employ all these skills in an interdisciplinary drug discovery team, we look forward to your application.